Pay With Crypto:
When paying, please send to the below addresses for the respective cryptocurrencies (if you wish to pay with a coin that is not listed below, please email us - at the email provided below).
After paying, please send an email to [email protected] including your full name and a screenshot of the transaction and/or wallet address.
We will then create an account for you with a secure password and notify you of your login credentials via email.

Bitcoin Address:

Ethereum Address:
Tether (ERC20):

Tether (ERC 20) Address:
✅ Action Steps & Roadmap Post Purchase ✅
Once payment has been confirmed via crypto OR through our payment processor above, you will gain access to your account!
The following are the action steps and roadmap of the next 12 months of us working together (this also be detailed in your membership area):
Note - all correspondence to and from LWB shall be to the following secure and encrypted email:
[email protected]
- LWB will send you three documents via Docusign, the "Confidential Questionnaire", the "2023 Intake Packet" and the "LWB Coaching Agreement" to fill out. We will be notified once you complete the documents, and any questions, please email/call/text us (your choice of communication).
- Submit the following documents to us using the secure email provided above.
- All information is reviewed internally by Gabby and the LWB Team.
- The Confidential Report is drafted.
- The Confidential Report is finalized and signed off on.
- The LWB team will reach out and schedule a call/Zoom to go over the Confidential Report.
- If the findings indicate an awesome win/win scenario, we will work together over the course of the next 12+ months.
- An additional Intake Packet will be delivered via Docusign for filling out and submission.
- Gabby and the LWB team will review all of the information.
- You and the LWB team will have correspondence over the coming days, weeks and months, going on the pace of both parties (Tax, Asset Protection, Wealth Building Integration)
- Guaranteed results are achieved when full participation of both parties are integrated!